Updated 12/16/2000
Units marked with 1.1 have been modified since UH 1.0
Units marked with 2.0 have been modified since UH 1.1
Units marked with 3.0 have been modified since UH 2.0
1.1 | Anti-air Weapons | Fixed various omissions from AA weapon damage sections |
3.0 | Anti-nukes | Improved missile acceleration/speed, silos cannot be flooded |
2.0 | Auto-targeting | Many units/weapons make smarter auto-targeting selections |
3.0 | EMGs | Removed soundhit, hit animation, start smokepuff; increased shot velocity, switched to 3DO |
2.0 | Factories | Added Multi-directional variants |
1.1 | Hovercraft | All hovers and amph units go straight to rubble if destroyed at sea |
1.1 | Mines | All regular Mines build quickly, cloak for little cost, and can Hold Fire |
1.1 | Miscellaneous | Fixed many SoundCategory, BadTargetCategory, F1 pics, build pics |
2.0 | Sonars | Basic and advanced sonars are now underwater units |
2.0 | Transports | Ship/hover Trans now use teleport-style load/unload |
Unload Cursor | Fixed to show correct animation |
3.0 | Adv. Construction | Increased speed |
2.0 | Commander | Tweaked laser, extended build menu |
2.0 | Construction | Increased build distance |
1.1 | Decoy Comm | Looks identical on F1, can capture, added "Fake D-Gun" and limited build menu |
Eraser | Jamming field temporarily deactivates if damaged | |
2.0 | Fido | Can fire gauss or ballistic (Special) |
3.0 | Flea | Faster turret, added climbing, switched weapon to Jeffy laser |
Hammer | Increased range and activation speed, fixed script bugs | |
3.0 | Infiltrator | Added jamming, smaller cloak radius, short-range radar, regeneration, sabotage mine |
2.0 | Invader | Short Self-D countdown, faster movement |
2.0 | Jethro | AA missile is now air-only, faster missile/better tracking |
Maverick | Increased delay for putting away guns | |
2.0 | Orion | Added range, climbing, stealth, and silent/invisible sniper weapon |
2.0 | Pelican | Fixed waterline bug; stronger laser, faster movement, air-only AA missile |
2.0 | Peewee | Faster turret, +50 armor |
3.0 | Spider | Formerly a vehicle, now smaller and faster; reduced stun duration |
3.0 | Warrior | Changed weapon to light laser, 50% EMG/Red laser resistance |
Zeus | Improved speed, aiming, tolerance, armor, and weapon draw speed | |
Zipper | Changed weapon to EMG burst, increased speed and aiming |
3.0 | Bulldog | Improved acceleration, turret speed, weapon power |
Jammer | Larger jamming field, temporarily deactivates if damaged | |
2.0 | Jeffy | Improved turret speed |
3.0 | Luger | Increased range, slightly improved accuracy, damage bonus vs. lightly-armored units |
3.0 | MERL | Increased range, damage bonus vs defenses |
3.0 | Panther | Increased speed, slight reduction to metal cost |
1.1 | Penetrator | Faster aiming, improved weapon, more armor, reduced death explosion |
2.0 | Phalanx | Increased armor |
3.0 | Podger | Always-open nanolathe, revised mines, added anti-mine rocket, improved movement |
2.0 | Samson | AA missile is now air-only, slower/stronger missile |
1.1 | Recluse | Formerly the Spider, now with a medium-range rocket |
Stumpy | Increased armor, improved weapon, lowered movement rate | |
3.0 | Triton | Improved speed, aiming, and weapon; added wakes; no wreckage, only rubble; reduced to 2x2 size |
Adv. Construction | Added Seaplane Platform to the build menu | |
2.0 | Atlas | Improved brakerate |
2.0 | Brawler | Improved manueverability, rebalanced firepower |
1.1 | Freedom Fighter | Lower build time, improved damage vs. planes; missile is air-only |
2.0 | Hawk | Changed one missile to air-only, halved original armor |
1.1 | Peeper | Peepers can use the Attack command to shadow targets |
Phoenix | Changed anti-air laser to anti-air-only missile | |
2.0 | Seahawk | Added air-dropped shockwave torpedo |
1.1 | Thunder | Fixed a model bug that made bombing runs less accurate |
Tornado | One missile air-only, improved damage vs. planes, more manueverable |
2.0 | Archer | Lowered maximum speed, all weapons air-only |
1.1 | Conqueror | Changed to gauss gun, added deck lasers & adv. depthcharge |
2.0 | Colossus | Extended radar, added anti-nuke construction, reduced energy production |
1.1 | Crusader | Added deck laser |
Escort | Jamming field temporarily deactivates if damaged | |
Fibber | Jamming field temporarily deactivates when moving or if damaged | |
2.0 | Hulk | Teleport load/unload |
2.0 | Millennium | Improved speed, turning, armor, and firepower; added salvo fire |
3.0 | Ranger | Increased speed and range, added radar, armored when closed, AA missile is air-only, damage bonus vs defenses |
Anaconda | Improved armor/turn rate, changed to ballistic gun | |
2.0 | Bear | Improved speed/turn rate, fixed Brakerate, teleport load/unload |
Construction | Improved turn rate, accel, and braking | |
Skimmer | Improved turn rate | |
1.1 | Swatter | Improved armor and turn rate, AA missile is now air-only |
3.0 | Wombat | Improved turn rate, damage bonus vs defenses |
3.0 | Ambusher | Added on/off ability and cloaking, switched to Guardian weapon |
2.0 | Annihilator | Armored when closed, +20% to laser damage, added on/off ability |
3.0 | Big Bertha | Increased energy-per-shot requirement; increased range, reduced accuracy |
2.0 | Defender | AA missile is now air-only, impvoved turret speed and missile tracking |
2.0 | Flakker | Lowered cost and build time |
Floating DTs | Renamed to "Shark's Teeth," fixed elevation bug | |
2.0 | Fortification Wall | Increased toughness; added wall sections, gates, and LLT variant |
1.1 | Guardian | Increased armor |
3.0 | Harpoon | Reduced metal cost, added minor tracking to torpedo |
3.0 | LLT | Reduced resource cost, build time, and rate of fire; increased range |
1.1 | Mines | When activated, mines can destroy each other in a chain reaction |
2.0 | Moray | Reduced metal cost |
Protector | Fixed missing ARMORED state when closed | |
3.0 | Sentinel | Increased range and armor |
2.0 | Sentry | AA missile is air-only, improved turret speed and missile tracking |
1.1 | Stingray | Increased range and armor, removed laser-weapon recoil |
2.0 | Stunner | Increased area/damage; reduced silo/missile cost; reduced range to 3000 |
2.0 | Targeting Facility | Halved cost/buildtime, increased energy use |
3.0 | Vulcan | Dramatic increase to range; increased armor |
Cloakable Fusion | Added missing de-cloak radius | |
Geothermal Plant | Fixed yardmap (must be centered on geo vent) | |
Moho Metal Maker | Fixed activate-before-finished bug | |
3.0 | Moho Mine | Reduced metal/energy cost and build time |
Wind Generator | Fixed spin-direction error on blades and blade model error | |
Solar Collector | Fixed Activation/Deactivation script bugs | |
Vehicle Plant | Changed default orders from Roam to Manuever |
3.0 | Adv. Construction | Fixed lost orders/stuck nanolathe, increased speed |
2.0 | AK | Faster turret, +50 armor, uses Instigator laser |
2.0 | Commander | Tweaked laser, extended build menu |
2.0 | Construction | Increased build distance |
2.0 | Crasher | AA missile is now air-only, faster missile/better tracking |
1.1 | Decoy Comm | Looks identical on F1, can capture, added "Fake D-Gun" and limited build menu |
3.0 | Dominator | Doubled rocket speed and acceleration, damage bonus vs defenses |
Freaker | Now the "Construction Freak" combat/firebase construction/repair Kbot | |
2.0 | Gimp | Replace cannon with torpedo, added sonar; Added Special targeting to torpedo |
2.0 | Krogoth | Amphibious, Immune to paralysis, Blue laser primary, Gauss no-explode w. Special targeting |
3.0 | Necro | Added build distance, script tweaks, fixed model bug, removed Guard command |
3.0 | Parasite | Fixed activation bug; added jamming, smaller cloak radius, short-range radar, regeneration, sabotage mine |
Pyro | Improved aiming and tolerance, increased explosion, shorter self-D countdown | |
2.0 | Roach | Short Self-D countdown, faster movement |
Spectre | Jamming field temporarily deactivates if damaged | |
3.0 | Sumo | Transportable by ship/hover only; increased firepower |
2.0 | The Can | Increased movement rate and turret speed |
Thud | Improved range, fixed CTRL+P selection bug |
2.0 | Copperhead | Increased armor |
3.0 | Croc | Improved movement, aiming, weapon; added wakes; no wreckage, only rubble; reduced to 2x2 size |
Deleter | Larger jamming field, temporarily deactivates if damaged | |
3.0 | Diplomat | Increased range, damage bonus vs defenses |
3.0 | Goliath | Fixed wrong-corpse bug, increased weapon power |
3.0 | Instigator | Improved turret speed, lowered speed/turn rate |
3.0 | Leveler | Added "EMG Resistance," increased shot speed, more armor |
3.0 | Pillager | Increased range, slightly improved accuracy, damage bonus vs. lightly-armored units |
Raider | Increased armor, improved weapon, lowered movement rate | |
2.0 | Reaper | Replaced cannon with flamethrower, increased energy cost |
2.0 | Slasher | AA missile is air-only, slower/stronger missile |
3.0 | Spoiler | Always-open nanolathe, revised mines, added anti-mine rocket, improved movement |
2.0 | Weasel | Improved turret speed |
Adv. Construction | Added Seaplane Platform to the build menu | |
1.1 | Avenger | Lowered build time, improved damage vs. planes; missile is air-only |
1.1 | Fink | Finks can use the Attack command to shadow targets |
2.0 | Hunter | Added air-dropped shockwave torpedo |
Hurricane | Changed anti-air laser to anti-air-only missile | |
3.0 | Rapier | Switched to single fast rocket with large area |
2.0 | Valkyrie | Improved brakerate |
2.0 | Vamp | Changed one missile to air-only, halved original armor |
Voodoo | One missile air-only, improved damage vs. planes, more manueverable |
2.0 | Envoy | Teleport load/unload |
2.0 | Executioner | Added heavy laser weapon, deck lasers, and adv. depthcharge |
2.0 | Hive | Extended radar, added anti-nuke construction, reduced energy production |
3.0 | Hydra | Increased speed and range, armored when closed, AA missile is air-only, damage bonus vs defenses |
1.1 | Leviathan | Added coax torpedo launcher and super-torpedo as Special weapon |
Phantom | Jamming field temporarily deactivates when damaged | |
2.0 | Shredder | Lowered maximum speed, all weapons air-only |
2.0 | Warlord | Improved speed, turn rate, armor, and firepower; added salvo fire; fixed HLT animation, changed ballistic to primary |
Construction | Improved turn rate, acceleration, and braking | |
3.0 | Nixer | Improved turn rate, damage bonus vs defenses |
Scrubber | Improved turn rate | |
1.1 | Slinger | Improved armor and turn rate, AA missile is air-only |
Snapper | Improved armor and turn rate | |
2.0 | Turtle | Improved speed and turn rate; teleport load/unload |
3.0 | Buzzsaw | Dramatic increase to range; increased armor |
2.0 | Cobra | Lowered cost and build time |
2.0 | Doomsday | Armored when closed, improved blue laser, added radar, added on/off ability |
Floating DTs | Renamed to "Shark's Teeth," fixed elevation bug | |
2.0 | Fortification Wall | Increased toughness; added wall sections, gates, and LLT variant |
Fortitude | Fixed missing ARMORED state when closed | |
3.0 | Gaat Gun | Increased range and armor |
2.0 | Immolator | Retexxed; rebalanced with longer-ranged riot cannon |
2.0 | Intimidator | Increased energy-per-shot requirement; fixed targeting bug; improved accuracy |
2.0 | Lamprey | Reduced metal cost |
3.0 | LLT | Reduced resource cost, build time, and rate of fire; increased range |
1.1 | Mines | When activated, mines can destroy each other in a chain reaction |
2.0 | Neutron | Increased area/damage; reduced silo/missile cost; reduced range to 3000 |
2.0 | Pulverizer | AA missile is now air-only, impvoved turret speed and missile tracking |
1.1 | Punisher | Increased armor |
2.0 | Stinger | AA missile is now air-only, impvoved turret speed and missile tracking |
3.0 | Toaster | Added on/off ability and cloaking, switched to Punisher weapon |
2.0 | Targeting Facility | Halved cost/buildtime, increased energy use |
1.1 | Thunderbolt | Increased range and armor, removed recoil, fixed elevation bug |
3.0 | Urchin | Reduced metal cost, added minor tracking to torpedo |
3.0 | Viper | Fixed corpse and script bugs, added cloaking; switched to rocket weapon |
Geothermal Plant | Fixed yardmap (must be centered on geo vent) | |
Moho Metal Maker | Fixed activate-before-finished bug | |
3.0 | Moho Mine | Reduced metal/energy cost and build time |
Solar Collector | Fixed Activation/Deactivation script bugs and sweetspot piece |