Updated 12/2002
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What is the ÜberHack (UH)?
The "ÜberHack" is a massive, sweeping, all-encompassing TA mod, certainly the biggest and most ambitious project we've ever undertaken. Some will love it, because it strengthens Arm and Core weak areas, smooths out some imbalances, and in general means you can choose your side based on which one is your favorite, not whether you're playing a rush map or not. Others will hate it, because it strengthens Arm and Core weak areas and smooths out some imbalances ... but also because many Cavedog units have been tweaked.
It's true. The impact of the changes hasn't been so severe for us (speaking of the development and testing crew), but to someone who hasn't been "in" during the ÜberHack development, I imagine it could be kinda overwhelming. Core can win on a rush map? Arm has a stronger late game? Zeuses are useful? Hawks and Slashers are almost useless against ground-based units? Avengers are worth building? Stumpies and Raiders are worthwhile? The Warrior fires a laser?!
Look at it this way ...
It's like having a new game to play with, instead of fighting the same battles. The ÜberHack is about having more options with Arm than building as many Flashes as you can and overrunning your enemy. It's about being able to defend against a Flash rush, and to counter with an Instigator raid. The ÜberHack is about having more strategic options than ever before, and no useless units.
This mod has given TA new life for those of us who've tested it during development. It's become the new standard for our multiplayer games, and created a vast world of new strats and options that we still haven't fully explored, yet. In our test games, the array of offensive and defensive strats is so vast and versatile, we're still discovering new combinations.
How does the UH work?
The last major patch that Cavedog released was accompanied by a file named REV31.GP3. As with the others, unit models, statistics, and animations in REV31.GP3 are used instead of older ones. UH works by replacing Cavedog's REV31.GP3 with a copy in which various bugs have been fixed and many of the Cavedog units have been tweaked (or, in a few cases, changed fairly dramatically). Modifying this file also allows more radical alterations, like factories whose exits face one of four directions, and the Extended Menus mod with twelve-button build pages.
The UH setup also includes the "Switcher" program. This tiny, one-dialog program lets you switch between regular TA and TA+UH quickly and easily. The Switcher also tells you your current IP address, as well as providing buttons for Hosting or Joining a TA game.
Does UH require Core Contingency?
The Cavedog version of REV31.GP3 is so large because they intentionally designed it so that you could apply Patch 3.1 even if you didn't own Core Contingency. The UH, by contrast, was designed to work on a machine with both TA:CC and the 3.1 patch already installed. If you don't own CC, you should! It's probably the single best expansion ever released for a game, and was well worth the original price, much more so now ... several months later and many dollars cheaper. If you've never installed Patch 3.1, you should go to cavedog.com and do so ... patch 3.1 includes the Battle Tactics units, pathfinding improvements, and more.
And, a bit of pseudo-legalese to satisfy the rogue litigators out there ... everything of and pertaining to Total Annihilation, including the Arm and Core logos, the "Core Contingency" title, the units therein, and so on is solely owned by GT Interactive and protected by their copyrights. The UH mod was developed independently using third-party tools; it is intended as a complimentary modification to TA and TA:Core Contingency, and nothing within it should be interpreted as a challenge of any sort to Cavedog's legal ownership of these intellectual properties.
Finally, I feel obligated to mention that Cavedog does not (and has never) endorse third-party mods of any sort. This mod and all of its components were developed by myself and the TAEC crew, outside the auspices of Cavedog and without their approval. For Cavedog to embrace a third-party mod created under such circumstances would be legally problematic at best, and IMHO we should content ourselves with the fact that while they don't endorse our efforts, they don't discourage us either as long as we stay within reasonable limits.
What's the current version of UH?
What new Shortcut Keys does UH add?
CTRL+A | Select All units | ||
CTRL+B | Select all construction (Builder) units | ||
CTRL+C | Select Commander | ||
CTRL+D | Self-Destruct selected unit(s) | ||
UH 1.0 | CTRL+E | Select all gunships | |
CTRL+F | Select all Factories | ||
UH 1.0 | CTRL+G | Select all mobile Ground units with weapons | |
UH 1.0 | CTRL+H | Select all Hovercraft with weapons | |
CTRL+I | Tab menu | ||
UH 1.1 | CTRL+J | Select all metal-making and cloakable structures | |
UH 1.0 | CTRL+K | Select all Kbots with weapons | |
UH 3.0 | CTRL+L | Select all LRPC, silo, and anti-missile units | |
CTRL+M | Select all Mines | ||
UH 1.0 | CTRL+N | Select all Naval units with weapons | |
UH 1.0 | CTRL+O | Select all fighter planes | |
CTRL+P | Select all Planes with weapons | ||
UH 1.0 | CTRL+Q | Select all bombers | |
CTRL+R | Select all Radar/sonar/jammer units | ||
CTRL+S | Select all units on Screen | ||
UH 3.0 | CTRL+T | Select all Transports | |
UH 1.0 | CTRL+U | Select all Underwater units with weapons | |
UH 3.0 | CTRL+V | Select all Vehicles with weapons | |
UH 3.0 | CTRL+W | Select all units with anti-air Weapons | |
UH 1.0 | CTRL+X | Select all defensive units | |
UH 1.0 | CTRL+Y | Select all torpedo bombers | |
CTRL+Z | Select all units of the currently-selected type(s) |
What bug fixes and tweaks does UH include?
A simple question with a long answer. At this point in the project, the vast majority of Cavedog's original units have recieved at least one tweak ... most small, a few large. Because there's just far too many things to list all at once, I've broken them down by category. Click here to see the complete list on a separate page.
3.0 Adv. Construction Increased speed 2.0 Commander Tweaked laser, extended build menu 2.0 Construction Increased build distance 1.1 Decoy Comm Looks identical on F1, can capture, added "Fake D-Gun" and limited build menu Eraser Jamming field temporarily deactivates if damaged 2.0 Fido Can fire gauss or ballistic (Special) 3.0 Flea Faster turret, added climbing, switched weapon to Jeffy laser Hammer Increased range and activation speed, fixed script bugs 3.0 Infiltrator Added jamming, smaller cloak radius, short-range radar, regeneration, sabotage mine 2.0 Invader Short Self-D countdown, faster movement 2.0 Jethro AA missile is now air-only, faster missile/better tracking Maverick Increased delay for putting away guns 2.0 Orion Added range, climbing, stealth, and silent/invisible sniper weapon 2.0 Pelican Fixed waterline bug; stronger laser, faster movement, air-only AA missile 2.0 Peewee Faster turret, +50 armor 3.0 Spider Formerly a vehicle, now smaller and faster; reduced stun duration 3.0 Warrior Changed weapon to light laser, 50% EMG/Red laser resistance Zeus Improved speed, aiming, tolerance, armor, and weapon draw speed Zipper Changed weapon to EMG burst, increased speed and aiming